Bobby Deol’s Unveils the Origin of Viral “Animal” Dance Scene: Jamal Kudu’s Glass Balancing Idea!

Bobby Deol shares insights into the making of his iconic dance entry in “Animal,” revealing how the glass-balancing step came from nostalgic inspiration.

Bobby Deol recently revealed intriguing details about the creation of his sensational entry scene in the film “Animal,” where he dances to the tune of “Jamal Kudu.” Notably, the viral scene showcasing Bobby Deol balancing a glass on his head while entering to the song has garnered widespread attention online.

In an interview with Bollywood Spy, Deol shed light on the genesis of this scene, crediting director Sandeep Reddy Vanga‘s excellent musical taste. Deol remarked, “He (Sandeep Reddy Vanga) found the song from somewhere and told me, ‘I will play this in your introduction.'”

Detailing the choreography process, Deol shared an interesting anecdote. “When we started shooting, the choreographer said, ‘You do it.’ I remembered the time when I was small and we used to go to Punjab. I remembered how we used to get drunk and keep glasses on our head,” he added, reflecting on the scene’s inspiration.

Deol praised Vanga’s approval of the impromptu step, which stemmed from his past experiences, noting, “Sandeep liked it.” The actor’s revelation offered insight into the unique and nostalgic origins of the now-famous dance sequence in “Animal.”

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