Dallas County Ballot Errors May Have Impacted Vote on Proposition U
DALLAS – Election Day in Dallas County saw a significant error, with thousands of voters receiving incorrect ballots. While most local races were not close enough to be impacted, the error may have influenced the results of the controversial Proposition U vote.
During a City Council meeting on Tuesday, Dallas City Council members discussed the issue as they were asked to certify the election results. Elections officials confirmed that some voters inside the Dallas city limits received ballots that did not include the charter amendments, while others living outside the city received ballots that did.
Dallas County Elections Administrator Heider Garcia stated that about 3,960 voters received the wrong ballot for their precinct. The issue was detected after checking the number of voters who checked in at polling stations compared to the number of ballots cast from each precinct. Garcia emphasized that it was impossible to trace individual ballots, leaving uncertainty about the exact impact.
Proposition U, which mandates the city hire 900 additional police officers, passed by a margin of 3,204 votes. This margin is smaller than the number of potentially misplaced ballots, raising concerns about the accuracy of the vote outcome.