FunAsia Media Kit: Unlock Opportunities for Collaborative Engagement Watch And Listen

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About Funasia

Biggest South Asian Media House in USA. With a top 40 formats the station not only provides non-stop Bollywood and American hits, it also provides unique interactive segments to inform and entertain Listeners/Viewers.

As a leader in new radio technology our mission is to bring together and entertain South Asian Millennials worldwild,thereby living up to its Vision "One World Entertainment."

Our Targeted Audience

Our primary focus is on South Asians residing in the United States, forming a vibrant and diverse community.





Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka






Fastest Growing Segment in the US

Higher Buying Power Compared to other Communities

Exhibit Strong Brand Loyalty

Quality Conscious

Strong Family & Cultural Values

Technologically Savvy

Most Active Demographics on Social Media

Cross-Cultural Recognition

Primarily Speak Their Native Language

Our Achivements


Average listeners per week for 104.9 FM


Movie tickets sold at all FunAsia theaters in 2017


Live concerts and event tickets sold in 2017


Median household income of the majority of our audience

Radio Advertisement

arrow_right_altSpot Buy

arrow_right_altSponsorship Packages

arrow_right_altSponsored Programmes

arrow_right_altSpecial Events

Contact Sales

Spot Buy

  • Instant Impact: Swift and effective advertising slots for immediate reach.
  • High-Impact Messaging: Perfect for time-sensitive promotions and reinforcing brand messages.
  • Diverse Audience: Capture the attention of our varied Dallas listenership.

Sponsorship Packages

  • Comprehensive Exposure: Long-term visibility with tailored sponsorship packages.
  • Holistic Approach: Integrate your brand seamlessly into our programming.
  • Engaged Listeners: Connect with our audience consistently for strengthened brand loyalty.

Sponsored Programmes

  • Deeper Connection: Forge meaningful bonds with our audience through personalized content.
  • Integration Opportunities: Become an integral part of our engaging shows.
  • Lasting Impressions: Ensure your brand is remembered long after the programme ends.

Special Events

  • Stand Out Moments: Shine during exclusive events like concerts and festivals.
  • Targeted Impact: Reach a captivated audience during key occasions.
  • Unique Experiences: Create lasting brand impressions with impactful marketing experiences.

Other Sponsorship

arrow_right_altSocial Media Sponsorship

arrow_right_altEvents Sponsorship

arrow_right_altStudio Sponsorship

Contact Sales

Social Media Sponsorship

  • Facebook, Instagram, Twitter Exposure: Sponsor a dedicated module on our social media channels, ensuring your brand is visible to our engaged audience.
  • Customized Posts: Tailored posts highlighting your products or services to maximize impact.
  • Analytics Report: Receive detailed analytics on the reach and engagement of your sponsored content.

Events Sponsorship

  • Event Naming Rights: Associate your brand with one of our exciting events.
  • Logo Placement: Your logo prominently displayed in event promotions and during live broadcasts.
  • On-Air Mentions: Regular on-air mentions before, during, and after the event.

Studio Sponsorship

  • Logo Visibility: Your logo on studio equipment, backdrop, and other key locations.
  • On-Air Shoutouts: Regular acknowledgments during live shows.
  • Exclusive Interviews: Opportunity for featured interviews and brand discussions.

Digital Marketing

arrow_right_altMeta Ads

arrow_right_altGoogle Ads

arrow_right_altLinkedIn Ads

Contact Sales

Meta Ads

  • Precision Targeting, Maximum Impact: Reach a precisely targeted audience with Meta Ads, leveraging extensive user data for effective and impactful campaigns.
  • Engaging Visuals, Immersive Experiences: Utilize visually appealing ad formats and immersive experiences like AR to captivate your audience on the Meta platform.
  • Real-time Performance Insights: Track and optimize your Meta Ads in real-time, monitoring key metrics for enhanced campaign performance and return on investment.

Google Ads

  • Tailored Targeting Across Platforms: Target specific demographics, locations, and interests on Google Ads, ensuring your message reaches the right audience across a diverse network.
  • Flexible Budget Control, Optimal Results: Set your own budget and bidding strategy, giving you flexibility and control over your advertising spend for maximum results.
  • Comprehensive Performance Analytics: Gain valuable insights into campaign performance with Google Ads' comprehensive reporting tools, optimizing your strategy based on key metrics.

LinkedIn Ads

  • Precision Professional Targeting: Reach decision-makers and influencers with LinkedIn's professional audience targeting based on job title, industry, and company attributes.
  • Seamless Native Advertising: Integrate your brand naturally into users' feeds with sponsored content and InMail, delivering personalized messages in a non-intrusive format.
  • Brand Building and Thought Leadership: Establish your brand as a thought leader through LinkedIn, leveraging sponsored content and updates to amplify your reach among professionals and showcase expertise.


arrow_right_altLanding Page Development

arrow_right_altWebsite Development

arrow_right_altBlogs Development

arrow_right_altGraphics Designing

Contact Sales

Landing Page Development

  • Strategic User Engagement: Craft landing pages that strategically engage users, optimizing layout and content to drive conversions and capture the essence of your brand message.
  • Responsive Design for All Devices: Ensure a seamless user experience across devices with responsive landing page development, catering to the diverse preferences of your audience.
  • Performance Analytics Integration: Implement analytics tools to track user behavior, providing valuable insights into landing page performance and helping refine strategies for maximum impact.

Website Development

  • Customized Brand Showcase: Build a visually appealing and customized website that effectively showcases your brand's identity, values, and offerings to create a lasting impression.
  • User-Friendly Navigation: Prioritize user experience with intuitive navigation, enhancing accessibility and keeping visitors engaged throughout their journey on your website.
  • SEO Optimization: Implement SEO best practices during website development to improve search engine visibility, ensuring your brand is easily discoverable by a wider online audience.

Blogs Development

  • Engaging Content Presentation: Develop a blog with an engaging layout that presents content in a visually appealing manner, encouraging readership and social sharing.
  • SEO-Driven Content: Create blog content optimized for search engines, improving your website's overall visibility and attracting organic traffic interested in your brand's niche.
  • Interactive Features: Enhance user interaction with interactive elements, such as comments, polls, and social sharing buttons, fostering a sense of community around your brand.

Graphics Designing

  • Visual Identity Reinforcement: Strengthen your brand's visual identity with professional graphics designing, including logo creation, color schemes, and consistent branding elements.
  • Versatile Collateral Design: Develop versatile graphic collateral for both digital and print media, ensuring a cohesive and recognizable brand presence across various platforms.
  • Custom Visual Content: Tailor visual content to match your brand's personality, creating a lasting impression through eye-catching graphics, illustrations, and imagery aligned with your messaging.

Reputation and Brand Management

arrow_right_altSearch Engine Optimization

arrow_right_altGoogle Business Management

arrow_right_altSocial Media Profile Management

Contact Sales

Search Engine Optimization

  • Enhanced Online Visibility: Elevate your brand's online presence with targeted SEO strategies, ensuring your radio station is easily discoverable by your target audience through search engines.
  • Keyword Optimization: Conduct in-depth keyword research and strategic placement to optimize your website's content, driving organic traffic and boosting your radio station's ranking in search results.
  • Regular Performance Analysis: Implement analytics tools to regularly assess the performance of SEO efforts, allowing for continuous refinement and adaptation to changing search engine algorithms.

Google Business Management

  • Accurate Business Information: Maintain an up-to-date and accurate Google Business profile, providing users with essential information about your radio station, including contact details, hours of operation, and location.
  • Customer Reviews Management: Actively manage and respond to customer reviews on your Google Business profile, fostering positive interactions and addressing concerns to build trust and credibility.
  • Insights and Analytics: Utilize Google Business insights to understand user behavior, track customer actions, and make informed decisions to enhance your radio station's online reputation.

Social Media Profile Management

  • Consistent Brand Image: Ensure a cohesive brand image across all social media platforms, with professionally managed profiles reflecting your radio station's identity, values, and content.
  • Engagement and Interaction: Actively engage with your audience through regular posts, comments, and interactions, fostering a sense of community and building a positive reputation online.
  • Content Strategy Development: Create and implement a tailored content strategy for each social media platform, maximizing engagement and showcasing the unique aspects of your radio station.

Movie Theatres Placement

arrow_right_altSlide Ads

arrow_right_alt30 Sec Video Ads

arrow_right_altStandees Booths in Richardson

arrow_right_altStandees Booths in Carrollton

arrow_right_altStandees Booths in Irving Theaters

Contact Sales

Slide Ads

  • High Visibility in Movie Theatres Showcase your brand with visually appealing slide ads displayed on screens in prominent areas of movie theatres, capturing the attention of a captive audience.
  • Dynamic Content Rotation Benefit from dynamic content rotation, allowing you to feature multiple messages, promotions, or sponsors throughout the duration of your campaign, maximizing exposure.
  • Targeted Audience Engagement Tailor your slide ads to resonate with the movie-going audience, creating an immersive experience that aligns with the entertainment atmosphere and enhances brand recall.

30 Sec Video Ads

  • Immersive Cinematic Experience Deliver a captivating and immersive brand experience with 30-second video ads, taking advantage of the cinematic environment to leave a lasting impression.
  • High Impact and Recall Leverage the power of audiovisual storytelling to create a memorable impact on the audience, increasing brand recall and fostering a connection with potential customers.
  • Strategic Placement Strategically place your video ads during peak times or before highly anticipated movies, ensuring maximum visibility and engagement among the diverse audience in movie theatres.

Standees Booths in Richardson

  • Strategic Location Exposure Position your standees in Richardson movie theatres, targeting a specific local audience and maximizing exposure in a high-traffic entertainment environment.
  • Interactive Brand Presence Create an interactive brand presence with standees that showcase your radio station's offerings, encouraging direct engagement and interaction with the movie-going community.
  • Local Community Connection Establish a strong connection with the Richardson community by being present in local movie theatres, showcasing your commitment to local entertainment and cultural experiences.

Standees Booths in Carrollton

  • Community-Centric Branding Extend your brand presence to Carrollton movie theatres, engaging with the local community and aligning your radio station with the entertainment preferences of Carrollton residents.
  • Localized Marketing Initiatives Customize standees with content relevant to Carrollton, allowing you to connect with the community on a personal level and demonstrate your understanding of local tastes and interests.
  • Increased Visibility and Footfall Benefit from increased visibility and foot traffic by strategically placing standees in Carrollton movie theatres, creating opportunities for direct engagement with your target audience.

Standees Booths in Irving Theaters

  • Gateway to Diverse Audiences Position standees in Irving theaters, providing a gateway to diverse audiences and maximizing exposure to residents and visitors alike.
  • Event and Partnership Opportunities Utilize standees in Irving theaters for promoting events, partnerships, or exclusive content, creating a buzz and generating interest within the Irving community.
  • Cultural and Entertainment Connection Align your radio station with the cultural and entertainment scene in Irving, reinforcing your brand's connection with the community through strategic standee placements.

FunAsia Clients Videos Produced By FunAsia Production
