US Mediators Reject Flight Attendants’ Strike Path at American Airlines

Federal mediators dismiss the possibility of a year-end strike by flight attendants at American Airlines, directing continued negotiations over a new contract.

Federal mediators have intervened, rejecting a move that could have led to a year-end strike by flight attendants at American Airlines. Instead, the National Mediation Board has urged ongoing negotiations between the airline and the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) regarding a new contract.

American Airlines expressed optimism, aiming for a resolution through continued negotiations, emphasizing the importance of reaching an agreement beneficial to their flight attendants.

However, APFA President Julie Hedrick affirmed their determination, vowing to escalate pressure on the airline despite this setback.

The dispute centers on wage increments. Flight attendants seek a 35% raise followed by two annual 6% increases, while American offers an immediate 11% raise with subsequent yearly 2% increments.

The proposed compensation during boarding aims to bridge the gap in percentage increases. The impasse highlights the substantial discord in negotiations between the two parties.

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