Texas Supreme Court Orders Dallas to Remove Charter Amendments from November Ballot

The Texas Supreme Court has ordered Dallas to remove three charter amendment proposals from the November 5th election ballot. The court’s decision stems from concerns that the proposals, designed to counter other propositions favored by city council members and some top officials, could confuse voters.

On Wednesday, the Dallas City Council voted shortly after 5:30 p.m. to comply with the court’s ruling. Officials declined to comment further on the decision.

In its opinion, the Texas Supreme Court noted that the counterpropositions could mislead voters because the ballot language did not clarify that these measures conflicted with rival proposals backed by Dallas Hero, a nonprofit advocating for stronger public safety measures.

The court’s opinion emphasized that holding an election with contradictory propositions without clear resolution would confuse voters. It stated that the ballot language’s failure to address this conflict was insufficient in providing voters with clear and accurate information.

As a result, the court deemed it appropriate to remove Propositions K, M, and N from the ballot to prevent further confusion.

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