Texas A-F Accountability Grades Temporarily Halted by Court After DISD and Others Sue”

A Travis County court temporarily halts Texas’ A-F school grading system, following a legal challenge by Dallas ISD and other districts, concerned about rating changes.

A Travis County court has granted a temporary injunction, temporarily preventing the Texas Education Agency from releasing new A-F accountability grades for public schools. Dallas ISD, alongside several other school districts, initiated the lawsuit against Education Commissioner Mike Morath, arguing that his proposed changes to the grading system would unfairly lower performance ratings for numerous school districts and campuses, even if they demonstrated improvements.

The Texas Education Agency has expressed its intention to appeal the court’s decision, citing the need for updates to the system to ensure continuous improvement in student outcomes and to establish Texas as a leader in national education.

The A-F school accountability system in Texas evaluates school districts throughout the state, providing insights to families about the performance of their local campuses.

These ratings significantly influence community perceptions of local schools, affecting decisions such as home purchases and enrollment in the public school system.

The ratings primarily rely on standardized test scores and consider a school’s effectiveness in enhancing academic achievement and closing achievement gaps among different student groups.

While the formula has remained relatively consistent since its creation in 2017, significant changes were to be introduced with the latest round of scores from the Texas Education Agency.


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