Netflix has just unveiled the trailer for its upcoming crime thriller, Sector 36. Produced by Dinesh Vijan’s Maddock Films and Jio Studios, the film follows a once-complacent police inspector as he hunts down a cunning serial killer after several children mysteriously vanish from a slum in Sector 36. Directed by debutante Aditya Nimbalkar and inspired by true events, Sector 36 offers a gripping tale of justice becoming personal.

Starring Vikrant Massey as the determined officer Ram Charan Pandey and Deepak Dobriyal as the elusive serial killer Prem Singh, the film brings a tense game of cat and mouse to life. Sector 36 premieres on Netflix on September 13.




Aditya Nimbalkar


Dinesh Vijan & Jyoti Deshpande


Vikrant Massey, Deepak Dobriyal, Akash Khurana

Streams on

September 13, on Netflix.

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