Filmmaker Rohit Shetty, architect of the thrilling Cop Universe, has stirred up excitement by likening Shilpa Shetty Kundra and Deepika Padukone to the iconic ‘Jai-Veeru‘ duo. As the Cop Universe unfolds with films and web series dedicated to the valiant police force, Rohit Shetty recently dubbed the two actresses as the dynamic pair set to redefine women cop portrayals on the big screen.
During the promotion of Indian Police Force, Shetty was asked to pick the superior cop between Deepika Padukone and Shilpa Shetty. Responding with enthusiasm, he drew a parallel to the classic film Sholay, stating, “It’s like asking who was better in Sholay, Jai or Veeru. You can’t choose between Jai and Veeru. That’s how it is for me with these ladies – Shilpa and Deepika are the Jai and Veeru for me.” The audience erupted in cheers at this comparison, highlighting the anticipation surrounding the powerful portrayals these actresses will bring to the cop roles.
Shilpa Shetty, renowned for her emotional roles, is set to showcase her fierce side as a cop in Rohit Shetty’s highly awaited Indian Police Force series. Fans are eagerly anticipating the transformation of the versatile actress into a formidable law enforcer.
Meanwhile, Deepika Padukone is gearing up to make her mark as police officer Shakti Shetty in Singham Again, featuring an ensemble cast including Ajay Devgn and Kareena Kapoor Khan. The prospect of not one, but two actresses taking on these action-packed roles has heightened the anticipation for Shetty’s Cop Universe.