The trailer of ‘Rautu Ka Raaz’, starring Nawazuddin Siddiqui in the lead role, has been released. The film is set in the picturesque village of Rautu Ki Beli in Uttarakhand. It revolves around the mysterious death of a warden at a blind school in a sleepy town which hasn’t witnessed a murder in over a decade and a half.

The mystery thriller features a talented supporting cast, including Rajesh Kumar, Atul Tiwari, and Narayani Shastri. It had a gala premiere at the 54th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) last year, where it was warmly received.

‘Rautu Ka Raaz’ releases on June 28 on Zee5.


Anand Surapur

Star Cast

Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Tanuj Mehra, Warden Sangeeta


28th June 2024

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