Patna Shuklla | Movie Review

Director: Vivek Budakoti, Rajendra Tiwari
Star Cast:
Raveena Tandon, Satish Kaushik, Anushka Kaushik, Chandan Roy Sanyal, Manav Vij, Jatin Goswami, Raju Kher
Language: Hindi
Available On: Disney Hotstar
Runtime: 125 Minutes
Rating: ⭐⭐(2/5)


“Patna Shuklla” delves into the life of Tanvi Shukla, a lawyer fighting against gender biases and corruption in Bihar’s education system. Played by Raveena Tandon, Tanvi’s journey is fraught with challenges as she navigates societal expectations and personal struggles. However, despite its lofty aspirations, the film falls short of leaving a lasting impact, failing to capitalize on its potential.

Plot Analysis:
Penned by Vivek Budakoti, Sameer Arora, and Farid Khan, the film’s narrative struggles to find its footing, wavering between drama and social commentary. While the storyline holds promise, the execution falters, leaving audiences disconnected from the characters and their struggles. Tanvi’s journey lacks depth, and the supporting cast fails to leave a significant impression, resulting in a lackluster portrayal of the issues at hand.

Star Performance:
Raveena Tandon shines in her role as Tanvi Shukla, bringing a sense of authenticity and sincerity to her character. Despite the film’s shortcomings, Tandon’s performance is a standout, elevating the narrative with her presence. However, the supporting cast fails to deliver compelling performances, with characters lacking strong arcs or moments to shine.

Direction and Music:
Directed by an ambitious vision by Arbaaz Khan, the film struggles to find its identity, oscillating between social drama and courtroom intrigue. The direction lacks clarity, leading to a disjointed narrative that fails to engage the audience effectively. Similarly, the film’s music fails to leave a lasting impression, with background scores that feel out of place and distracting.

What Works and What Doesn’t:
Despite its flaws, “Patna Shuklla” manages to capture fleeting moments of intrigue, largely due to Raveena Tandon’s dedicated performance. However, the film’s title fails to justify its significance, and the storyline lacks coherence, resulting in missed opportunities for meaningful exploration of its themes. The film’s climax, while expected, fails to deliver a satisfying resolution, leaving audiences underwhelmed.

The Last Word:
In conclusion, “Patna Shuklla” falls short of its ambitious goals, struggling to find its voice amidst a sea of mediocrity. While Raveena Tandon’s performance is a saving grace, the film’s lackluster execution and missed opportunities ultimately undermine its impact. With a disjointed narrative and uninspired direction, “Patna Shuklla” fails to leave a lasting impression, earning a modest two-star rating.

With its blend of drama and missed opportunities, “Patna Shuklla” fails to live up to its potential, ultimately leaving audiences disappointed. While Raveena Tandon delivers a commendable performance, the film’s lackluster execution and disjointed narrative hinder its overall impact. For viewers seeking a meaningful exploration of societal issues, “Patna Shuklla” may fall short of expectations.

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