OMG 2 | Movie Review

OMG 2, with Akshay Kumar and Pankaj Tripathi has been in the news for quite some time. The film has finally hit the screens and it is without a doubt one of the most mind-blowing motion pictures to emerge from Bollywood in 2023. The film is very significant when assent, sexual abuse, pleasure, and so forth are broadly talked about either straightforwardly or in secretive tones, or through allusion. OMG 2 examines the requirement for solid sex training when information is acquired through different sources.

Kanti Sharan Mudgal (Pankaj Tripathi), a steadfast enthusiast of Lord Shiva, is scandalized to find that his high schooler child was so irritated by his ‘assumed’ absence of virility that he lands in a hospital. Things deteriorate for his family when a video of his son working hard on his sexual health from the school washroom becomes a web sensation. The kid dives into depression, and nobody can help him, except the all-powerful. Mudgal chooses to take on a framework that considers his child an evil, shameless, and debased kid.

The peak of the film is no doubt unsurprising. Given the remarkable treatment of the film, it seems like a dampener. Yet, it is a minor problem. Likewise, the creators might have investigated unlawfully keeping individuals in their confidential minutes, an issue tormenting individual worldwide.

Amit Rai has fixed his place as an insightful and fantastic narrator with OMG 2. This film is a treat for all fans of Pankaj Tripathi, who is fab. Akshay Kumar is back with a film that saddles his mystique accurately.

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