NFL’s Von Miller Accused of Assaulting Pregnant Girlfriend in Dallas: Police Report

NFL star Von Miller turned himself in to police in Glenn Heights after being accused of assaulting his pregnant girlfriend in Uptown Dallas.


Von Miller, Buffalo Bills pass rusher and DeSoto native, surrendered to Glenn Heights police following accusations of assaulting his girlfriend, who is six weeks pregnant. The incident, occurring at a Dallas high-rise apartment, unfolded during a dispute over travel plans on her birthday, as detailed in the arrest affidavit.

Allegedly, Miller became visibly angry when the woman slammed a door, escalating into verbal confrontations and physical altercations. The affidavit suggests Miller shoved, pushed, and stomped on her belongings, causing the victim to fall and inflicting injuries. Shockingly, he purportedly grabbed her neck and pulled her hair, despite her pleas of pregnancy.

The woman, treated for minor injuries, presented evidence to authorities, including recordings and text messages corroborating the incident. The NFL, acknowledging the matter, refrained from further comment, while Miller’s prior investigation for domestic violence in 2021 in Denver resurfaces, adding to the gravity of the situation.

Despite Miller’s involvement in charitable endeavors and his NFL career, the recent accusations have cast a shadow on his reputation. As the Bills are on their bye week, this controversy has sparked concerns about Miller’s on-field performance amid the ongoing NFL season.


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