Keller ISD Superintendent Offers Resignation Amid Chaotic Board Meeting
KELLER, Texas – A storm of controversy erupted at Thursday night’s Keller ISD school board meeting when Superintendent Dr. Rick Westfall offered his resignation. The meeting, intended to address the possibility of splitting the district into two, quickly spiraled into chaos.
Over 120 parents, teachers, and community members gathered to express their frustration with the board. The packed meeting room saw passionate speeches, with attendees voicing their concerns and demanding transparency. Many hoped for clarity on the potential district split, but trustees provided no answers, discussing the matter privately behind closed doors.
For several hours, community members took turns at the podium. Initially, the meeting followed protocol, but tensions flared, resulting in shouting matches and a breakdown in decorum.
Board President Charles Randklev cited financial challenges as the primary reason for considering the controversial district split. However, after facing criticism from parents, two board members, and Fort Worth Mayor Mattie Parker, his tone shifted. He emphasized that no decisions had been made and reassured attendees that Thursday’s meeting was purely for discussion.
The superintendent’s resignation offer underscored the deep divisions within the community and leadership. The issue of splitting the district remains unresolved, with the next steps uncertain. Parents and educators continue to push for transparency and a say in shaping the future of Keller ISD.
As the community grapples with these challenges, the spotlight remains on the board to address concerns and provide clear answers.