Hackers stole 1.2 terabytes of data from Dallas City in a ransomware attack.

Hackers stole 1.2 TB of data, almost equivalent to more than 800,000 digital files, from Dallas City in a ransomware attack earlier this year.

The May 3 attack impacted city services when they were forced to go offline for weeks. The attack was so deadly that it damaged equipment and software.

Dallas City and cybersecurity officials have been working on this case since then. Today, Dallas’ chief information officer is expected to share the official results of the internal review with city leaders.
According to their review, hackers stole 1.2 terabytes of data from about 1,000 computers.

Although experts have been able to recover 99% of that data, 100 servers have been removed from the network of Dallas City.

The attack resulted in the exposure of the personal information of more than 30,000 people. City officials expect an increase in this number in the coming months.

Dallas has invested $8.6 million to pay for credit monitoring services for the victims and to beef up software security.

The CIO is expected to give more information about the people responsible for such attacks today.

The hacker group Royal claimed to be responsible, but it’s unknown what demands were made if they were met.

The CIO should also share recommendations for security improvements to prevent the same thing from happening again.

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