The trailer of Fateh, marking Sonu Sood‘s directorial debut, was unveiled on Monday. This cyber-thriller, co-written by Sonu Sood and Ankur Pajni, boasts an ensemble cast including Jacqueline Fernandez, Naseeruddin Shah, Vijay Raaz, Shiv Jyoti Rajput, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Prakash Belawadi, and Binnu Dhillon in key roles.
Produced by Sonali Sood under Shakti Sagar Productions and Umesh KR Bansal of Zee Studios, with Ajay Dhama as co-producer, Fateh promises an intriguing cinematic experience. The film is all set to hit theaters on January 10.
Directed by
Sonu Sood
Written by
Sonu Sood, Ankur Pajni
Sonu Sood, Jacqueline Fernandez, Naseeruddin Shah, Vijay Raaz
In Cinemas
10th January, 2025