Kangana Ranaut has unveiled a new trailer for her highly anticipated political drama, Emergency. Directed by Kangana herself, the film delves into the life and times of India’s first female Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi. The star-studded cast includes Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade, Milind Soman, Mahima Chaudhary, and the late Satish Kaushik.
Initially set to release on September 6, 2024, Emergency faced delays due to clearance issues with the Central Board of Film Certification. The trailer highlights Shreyas Talpade as a young Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Milind Soman as Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, Mahima Chaudhary as Pupul Jayakar, and Satish Kaushik as Jagjivan Ram, each leaving a memorable mark in their roles.
After much anticipation, Emergency is set to hit theaters on January 17.
Directed By
Kangana Ranaut
Produced By
Kangana Ranaut, Renu Pitti, Umesh Kr Bansal
Kangana Ranaut, Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade
In cinemas
17 January 2025.