Dallas Police Introduce Phone Reporting for Sexual Assaults to Expedite Investigations

Dallas Police aim to speed up sexual assault reporting by introducing phone reporting options at Parkland Health, with plans to expand to other hospitals.

Dallas Police are set to implement a new initiative to expedite the reporting process for sexual assaults by allowing victims to make reports over the phone. The program, slated to begin in April at Parkland Health for a trial period, aims to streamline the process for victims seeking Sexual Assault Nurse Examinations (SANE).

Currently, victims who choose to report a sexual assault often face lengthy wait times for law enforcement to arrive, leading to frustration and hindering the collection of critical evidence. To address this issue, Dallas Police will now offer victims the option to connect with a police expeditor over the phone. After providing their report, victims will receive a case number, enabling nurses to proceed with the sexual assault exam without delay.

Brittany Pahl, Parkland’s director of forensic nursing and community programs, emphasized the importance of adapting to changing times to better serve the community. She highlighted the prevalence of underreporting of sexual assaults and noted that younger generations may feel more comfortable communicating over the phone.

The initiative comes as Dallas Police grapple with staffing shortages and increased response times. By offering phone reporting options, authorities aim to improve access to justice for sexual assault survivors and address the alarming rates of underreporting of sexual crimes in Texas.


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