Dallas Black Chamber Offers $30,000 in Grants to Minority-Owned Businesses

The Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with Office Depot, is offering grants to support minority-owned businesses through the ‘Elevate Together’ program. The initiative aims to foster growth and development for these businesses.

Amber Jackson, founder of Glitz Optical, is a beneficiary of this program. “Glitz Optical is a luxury mobile concept,” Jackson explained. “We cater to clients who don’t have a lot of time. So, we come to their home, office, or meet them at their local coffee shop.” With 17 years of experience as an optician, Jackson received a $5,000 grant last year, enabling her to expand into making glasses. “With those funds, we were able to cut out the middleman because I also know how to cut the lenses,” she said.

Harrison Blair, president and CEO of the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce, shared how the partnership began. “This collaboration stemmed from the Greater Dallas Hispanic Chamber, which was already working with Office Depot. They suggested that the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce would be a great partner for this program. Office Depot agreed to provide funds for us to distribute.”

The first year of the grant program was a success, and this year, Office Depot has again provided $30,000 to assist small businesses. The Dallas Black Chamber is currently accepting applications for the Elevate Together grant, with a deadline of July 5.

“You never know if yours might be the diamond in the rough,” said Blair.

Lorin Carter’s C-Suite Equity Consulting also benefited from the grant. “We were one of the perfect candidates to receive the grant,” Carter stated. “The grant aims to address systemic barriers and racial disparities in business, which aligns with our mission and services.”

Blair added, “We’ve seen a lot of impact from it, so we’re very excited about what it’s doing.”

This grant program highlights the ongoing efforts to support minority-owned businesses and address racial disparities in the business community.

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