The upcoming comedy-thriller ‘Blackout,’ featuring Vikrant Massey and Mouni Roy, has released its trailer, which promises a dark, chaotic narrative. Set to debut on JioCinema on June 7, 2024, the film marks a significant venture into the dark comedy genre for both its lead actors and its director, Devang Bhavsar.

‘Blackout’ is a comedy-thriller that delves into the depths of human nature and the consequences of one’s actions in the face of adversity. Its trailer takes viewers on a thrilling journey through the streets of Pune, where a single night of darkness engulfs the city in mystery. As crime reporter Lenny, played by Vikrant Massey, gets entangled in a web of greed and misfortune, the film unravels a series of unexpected twists and turns that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.


Written & Directed by

Devang Shashin Bhavsar


Vikrant Massey, Mouni Roy, Sunil Grover, Jisshu Sengupta

Streaming on

JioCinema on 7th June 2024.

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