Arlington ISD to break ground on a new junior high school to replace Carter Junior High School

Arlington ISD to break ground on new junior high school.

The Arlington Independent School District is set to break ground on a new junior high school to replace Carter Junior High School.

Carter Junior High opened its doors to students in 1958.

It is the last of four schools Arlington ISD is rebuilding with funding from a 2019 bond.

The new school will get another area on a much greater site nearer to a significant portion of its student populace. It will have more space for stopping and a track, interestingly.

Heads said the new school will likewise be cutting-edge, innovative, and loaded with learning spaces.

In-between time, Director Steven Wurtz said the school will affect almost 1,000 students who will attend it once the development is finished.

“It’s our first three-story junior high, so it’s just going to be a great opportunity for our kids to be engaged in spaces that are modern with modern technology and really great for the east Arlington community,” he said. ” It’s a part of Arlington that’s been growing in terms of citizens who have been here a long time. And we wanted to provide them with something that reflects the love and commitment they have for the students. So, we’re really excited for them to have a new building.”

School directors, legal administrators, and care staff attended Monday’s weighty service. The Carter Middle School ensemble additionally performed.

Development is supposed to be finished in 2025.

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