Dallas Leaders Break Ground on Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Expansion

Wednesday marks a historic moment for downtown Dallas as city and county leaders break ground on the $3 billion expansion of the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. This project aims to create more jobs, boost tourism, and bridge downtown with South Dallas.

The Honorable Kay Bailey Hutchison attended the ceremony, celebrating the beginning of this transformative project. Craig Davis, CEO of Visit Dallas, emphasized its significance: “This is going to be a true game changer for downtown Dallas because it’s going to take an area that right now is kind of walled off with an old building that is 65 years old. And it’s going to completely transform it into green space and a brand-new building with state-of-the-art offerings.”

The 65-year-old building will undergo major expansion, taking over empty lots and garages, with upgraded technology throughout the convention center. Jennifer Scripps, president and CEO of Downtown Dallas, Inc., expressed excitement: “We are just so excited to be breaking ground and actually moving our physical environment and neighborhood towards this huge opportunity.” The expansion will connect downtown to nearby neighborhoods like The Cedars and South Dallas with greenery and walkable areas.

As tourism and population grow in DFW, the need for hotels becomes crucial. Scripps noted the need for additional hotel rooms to meet future demand. The project includes plans for more residential, hotel, retail, and restaurant spaces, alongside a significant upgrade to the I-30 canyon.

Tourism officials are optimistic about the convention center’s potential to double its business and host larger events. Davis highlighted the pent-up demand for convention space, with 50 confirmed conventions from 2029 and beyond and another 100 considering Dallas.

The Dallas City Council approved a 15-year, $19 million use agreement for the Dallas Wings to play in the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas Memorial Arena, beginning in 2026. Scripps highlighted the growing excitement around this development, despite the anticipated construction challenges.

The expansion of the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center promises to transform downtown Dallas, creating a vibrant and connected community ready for the future.

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